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10 Ways To Stress More

Two people stressed and nailbiting

That’s right – you read it correctly.  We’re bombarded with the standard ways to stress less.  But stress more?  Now that’s a list worth reading – and avoiding!

10.  Skip out on sleep – Yep, less sleep means more stress.  Burn the midnight oil and you will be depriving your body of one of the key ways it keeps stress at bay.

9.  Drive your car at rush hour – Is there a more foolproof way to stress more than being stuck in traffic?  Try biking, walking, or taking the bus, when possible.  Or try a breathing exercise (see inset) if driving at rush hour is unavoidable.

8.  Drink up!  Sure, piling on the drinks may feel good at the time.  But we all know that overindulging can also mean hangovers, drama, and regrets.  Stick to 1 or 2 drinks or less per hour if you plan to party, and enjoy the social benefits without the headaches.

7.  Use Facebook to keep score – Who doesn’t love social media?  Take advantage of Facebook’s awesome power to connect, by all means.   Just don’t compare your outtakes to everyone else’s highlight reel.  According to one study, the cure for “Facebook Despair” is simply less Facebook and more “direct” social interaction.

6.  Go negative – Is your glass always half empty?  Does every little thing turn into a HUGE annoyance?  Look for the positive angle instead:  it takes no more work and makes life’s daily challenges more manageable.

5.  Hold on to everything – Similar to #6, but with a twist.  One thing we know for sure:  we can’t change the past.  Sometimes letting go of old wrongs or hurts (your own or someone else’s) or turning them into something positive is the only way to move forward.

4.  Pursue perfection – We all strive for A’s across the board, the ultimate social life, and everything in between.  But somewhere along the way, life usually happens.  Keep things realistic and understand that sometimes good enough IS good enough.

3.  Be stubborn – Why back down if you know you are right?  The problem is, someone with the opposite viewpoint probably feels the same way.  Life is an ongoing negotiation, and a little give and take goes a long way.

2.  Fail to plan – Do this and you will probably lose sleep AND stress more.  Twofer!  Take the time to create small tasks that are actually doable – you’ll feel a sense of progress and move toward your goal step by step.

1. Skip exercise – Who’s got time, right?  Physical activity, however you choose to get it, is the ultimate stress burner.  Ever notice how everything seems a little bit better after a good workout?

Want to Stress More?  Don’t do this exercise.