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Running Basics

Person Running

Running is a great, inexpensive form of physical activity.  But with social media feeds saturated with marathon finishers and personal record bragging, it can feel intimidating for any aspiring runner. Don’t be discouraged, we’ve got tips for getting started!

Start S.M.A.R.T.

Choose a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. For a new runner, an appropriate goal may be to run a 5K in 12 weeks. Write down your goal and revisit it every day.

The Right Shoes

While shoes are NOT the cause of injury, they can certainly affect your gait (positively or negatively), which could prevent or cause injury. Running specific stores, like Fleet Feet and The Running Store, will assess your feet and gait to recommend the best shoe for you.

Virtual Running Partners

Free apps like Nike Run Club+, Map My Run, Strava, and C25K provide coaching, workout tracking, and community. Runner’s World also includes tons of great articles and training plans for purchase.


Wear reflective gear and lights (when running after dark), inform someone of your route and departure/return times, and proceed with caution if you use headphones.

Rest, Cross Train, and HYDRATE!

Take rest days seriously.  Consult a personal trainer or physical therapist for strength training exercises that complement running.  And above all else, make sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after your run.

Celebrate the Large AND Small Wins

It’s not always going to be about hitting a personal record; sometimes, just fitting in a run during a busy day is going to be a win for you. Revel in the small wins just as much as the large ones. No matter how slowly you may run, you’re still showing up, and that is a victory in itself!